Make use of energy saving potentials
Reducing energy consumption and increasing comfort at the same time - this is possible thanks to presence-controlled building automation. Once parameterised, the system works automatically in the background: this means, for example, that the lighting is automatically switched and dimmed, the room temperature or the cooling capacity is lowered when rooms are not in use or when optimal, natural conditions already prevail. Lights off when not in use may still work in private households, but the larger a building is, the less users feel responsible. Especially in large buildings such as commercial buildings, industrial halls, warehouses, car parks, hospitals, homes, hotels and public buildings, lighting control should work automatically as soon as an area is in use.
Save up to 80 % energy with B.E.G. sensor technology
A building user does not want to touch the wall switch in a toilet, nor does he feel safe in dark corridors and halls. Office activities or lessons are usually rarely interrupted to switch off the light as soon as daylight sufficiently illuminates the room. In buildings without building automation, this has so far meant that safety and comfort are compromised and the lighting is permanently on. This means, for example, that up to 50 % can be saved in an office building, up to 60 % in a high-bay warehouse and up to 80 % in toilet rooms.
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