DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH


Optimum lighting control

The Building Solution

Reducing energy consumption and increasing comfort at the same time - this is possible with presence-controlled building automation. Once parameterised, the system works automatically in the background: this means, for example, that the lighting is automatically switched and dimmed when rooms are not in use or when optimal, natural conditions already prevail.

Lights off when not in use may still work in private homes, but the larger a building is, the less users feel responsible. Especially in large buildings such as commercial buildings, industrial halls, warehouses, car parks, hospitals, homes, hotels and public buildings, lighting control should work automatically as soon as an area is in use.

Anyone who thinks of a building automation system as a huge effort and a confusing number of components is not yet familiar with B.E.G. DALI-SYS. The B.E.G. DALI-SYS lighting control system is scalable, from equipping individual rooms to controlling the lighting of an entire building complex. The components are addressable and operate according to the principle of distributed intelligence, thus ensuring a high level of operational reliability.


DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH


  • Networkable, modular multi-master option
  • Combines management of normal lighting and emergency lighting, control of blinds and HVAC functions on one platform
  • Decentralised control with distributed Intelligence, to provide a high level of operational reliability
  • Multi-sensors have no power supply and are supplied with power via the DALI BUS
  • Visualisation and central functions available without an upstream BMS
  • BMS connection available via BACnet
  • Planning, commissioning and maintenance by B.E.G.
  • Logic links across trades and protocols possible with NETx Automation
DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH


  • Emergency lighting management
  • Control of blinds
  • Guided Light PLUS
  • Central functions: email reporting, calendar function, energy monitoring
  • ViSTATION – visualisation with user administration and virtual user terminals
  • BACnet interface



DALI catalogue

DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH

Individual building solutions

The buildings of the future are automated, with a high demand need for energy-efficient convenience. B.E.G. sensors and actuators are used worldwide, e.g., in the control of office buildings, industrial companies, production facilities and logistics centres. They can be found in universities, schools, hotels, banks, shopping centres, multi-storey car parks and many other buildings. We are proud to contribute to the sustainable operation of buildings around the world.

DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH

Individual building solutions

The buildings of the future are automated, with a high demand need for energy-efficient convenience. B.E.G. sensors and actuators are used worldwide, e.g., in the control of office buildings, industrial companies, production facilities and logistics centres. They can be found in universities, schools, hotels, banks, shopping centres, multi-storey car parks and many other buildings. We are proud to contribute to the sustainable operation of buildings around the world.

DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH

Individual building solutions

The buildings of the future are automated, with a high demand need for energy-efficient convenience. B.E.G. sensors and actuators are used worldwide, e.g., in the control of office buildings, industrial companies, production facilities and logistics centres. They can be found in universities, schools, hotels, banks, shopping centres, multi-storey car parks and many other buildings. We are proud to contribute to the sustainable operation of buildings around the world.

DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH

Individual building solutions

The buildings of the future are automated, with a high demand need for energy-efficient convenience. B.E.G. sensors and actuators are used worldwide, e.g., in the control of office buildings, industrial companies, production facilities and logistics centres. They can be found in universities, schools, hotels, banks, shopping centres, multi-storey car parks and many other buildings. We are proud to contribute to the sustainable operation of buildings around the world.

DALI-SYS B.E.G. Brück Electronic GmbH

Local advice:

Our office is always at your side for advice and action. For questions on ordering, products, technology or planning, just contact us:

+49 (0) 2266 90 121-50

For questions about technics, please dial: