Allmend – Lucerne (CH)
Modern lighting control in Central Switzerland
Allmend – Luzern (CH)
The biggest construction project in central Switzerland: The four new buildings at Allmend in Lucerne swallowed up 260 million Francs. Beside the 17,000-capacity football stadium, the home of FC Luzern, two residential blocks and a sports complex were built – all the buildings are fitted with motion and occupancy detectors from B.E.G.
The client's demands on the lighting control system for this prestigious building were very high. The focus was on functionality and demand-oriented lighting control. In addition, the design of the presence detectors had to match the modern architecture of the complex. A total of around 600 motion and presence detectors of different types were installed: from the large-area PD4, which is suitable for areas, large offices and halls, to the Indoor-180 wall detector, which optimally monitors corridors and toilets, to the small PD9, which was discreetly placed in the expanded metal ceiling. The planners rely on both KNX and conventional 230V detectors. The particular advantage of B.E.G. detectors is that they are available in the same design for both KNX and 230V technology, so there is no visual difference between the two systems.
By using the KNX detectors, the movement and brightness information for certain areas is also available for higher-level functions and can be easily visualised. The stadium's lighting can be easily overridden via this system if required.
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